Technical Specifications:
Max. Magnetic Field: 2.5 Tesla
Min. Magnetization: Fast: 10-3 emu; Slow: 10-4 emu; Sensitivity: 10-5 emu
Field Resolution: 0.5 Oe
Sample: Bulk, Thinfilm, Powder, Fluid
Field Accuracy: 1% of reading or 0.05% of full range
Field Stability < 0.05% RMS of full scale
Moment Measurement:
@ Room temperature 5 mm sample 5 s/pt 5 × 10-6 emu
@ Room temperature 5 mm sample 10 s/pt 10-6 emu
@ Oven 5 mm sample 5 s/pt 4 × 10-5 emu
Moment Accuracy: ±1%
Moment Repeatability < ±1%
Sample Mass: 0-2 g
Dynamic Range: 1 µemu to 500 emu
Temperature Option:
Oven: 300 K-1000 K
Cryostat: 100 K-300 K
Vibration Frequency: 25 Hz to 80 Hz
Power: 5 KW
Weight: 400-1200 Kg
Options: Heating and Cooling Stages; Auto-loading; First-Order Reversal Curve (FORC).
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